Written by Rev. Rebecca D. Reeder, Associate Pastor, Sewickley Presbyterian Church

For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. And now that you belong to Christ, you are the true children of Abraham. You are his heirs, and God’s promise to Abraham belongs to you. Galatians 3:26-29
Last week we celebrated Juneteenth. Don’t know what Juneteenth is? Neither did I until recently. Yet, it’s a celebration that’s been around for 155 years. It commemorates the end of slavery in the United States on June 19, 1865, in Galveston, Texas. Even though the Emancipation proclamation was delivered in 1863, for numerous reasons the message did not arrive in Texas till two years later. Click on the link above to learn more about the origin of and traditions associated with Juneteenth. Taking time to learn more about Juneteenth is but one example of how I’ve been reflecting lately on my own white privilege and how racism is still embedded in so much of our society. I’m not new to reading and listening to others’ voices and experiences in order to better understand the dynamics and impacts of systemic racism. And yet, the more I learn, the more I recognize how little I actually know. The fact that I just recently learned about Juneteenth is evidence of that. So, I’m curious to know – what are you learning? PS - As you learn about and find ways to celebrate Juneteenth this year and in years to come, here’s a fun video on The Best Foods To Celebrate Juneteenth With.