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Renewal Is Hard Work!

Rev. Tom Clifton

Updated: Jun 6, 2020

Renewal is at the heart of biblical faith and witness. Make no mistake— renewal is hard work.The challenges are immense.The obstacles are unrelenting and massive.Yet we see miracles all around us across the land and especially among the communities along the rivers in Western Pennsylvania.

Renewal is at the heart of biblical faith and witness. One of the finest examples is the rebuilding of the nation following Israel’s exile in Babylon (538 BC). Jerusalem had fallen into ruin after many years of neglect. When the faithful returned, they discovered a city whose walls and temple had decayed and fallen. The task, then, as now was to rebuild. The challenge then, as now, is to hear the voice that calls us to a work that is great.

So we rebuilt the wall, and all the wall was joined together to half its height. For the people had a mind to work” (Nehemiah 4:6).

Make no mistake— renewal is hard work. The challenges are immense. The obstacles are unrelenting and massive. Yet we see miracles all around us across the land and especially among the communities along the rivers in Western Pennsylvania. Massive economic and social changes have brought near collapse to many communities. But look closely and you will see renewal beginning. You will see miracles among us. You will notice, if you look closely, the hard work of renewal happening. And perhaps you will even hear your name being called. Perhaps you can envision being part of this great work in Tarentum and beyond. When renewal comes, new life is found. In the economy of God, ruin and decay never have the final word.

Renew your church, our ministries restore:

both to serve and adore.

Make us again as salt throughout the land,

and as light from a stand.

‘Mid somber shadows of the night,

where greed and hatreds spread their blight,

O send us forth with power endued,

help us, Lord, be renewed

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